Thursday, 16 February 2012

Fad Diets Vs. Healthy Weight Management

Fad Diets vs. Healthy Weight Management

·         The effects of fad diets are usually short-lived.
·         Fad diets can do worse than better to your body in the long run.
·         The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by making small changes in your daily routine such as avoiding junk food, doing daily chores, etc.
Fad diets are packaged in such a way that they make crash-diets seem healthy and effective. Diets such as low-carb diets, the master cleanse, the GM diet and the cookie diet are all fad diets.

Do fad diets work?
Most people will lose weight while following a fad diet, because they are so extreme, but the result is temporary. This means that once you stop following the diet, you'll probably gain back the weight you lost. Some people even end up weighing more than what they did before starting the diet.
 Many fad diets only allow you to eat certain foods which mean they can be harmful to your body. Fad diets usually do not provide enough nutrition which can lead to health problems such as anemia (low iron in your blood) and osteoporosis (depletion of bone tissue).

How can you spot a fad diet?
You can spot a fad diet by asking yourself a few simple questions:
·         Does this diet make some foods completely off-limits?
·         Does this diet promise that I will lose an unrealistic amount of weight in a short amount of time? For example: ten pounds in one week.
·         Are there any “good” or “bad” foods in this diet?
·         Do I have to buy certain foods for this diet at a special store?
·         Does this diet tell me that I do not have to exercise?
·         Is this plan temporary?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you've probably spotted a fad diet. Advertising that promotes these diets is often very convincing. These ads may draw you in and make you believe that it's super easy to follow the diet and lose weight. This type of weight loss plan is really just a quick fix and is not a healthy way to lose weight.

Are there healthier ways to manage weight?
Yes. We lose weight by eating fewer calories than our bodies burn. To lose weight, add calorie-burning activities into your day, and cut down on your portions. Eat healthy, don’t eat nothing at all.

You can make some easy changes to cut back on the calories you eat by:
·         Choosing less sugary beverages. Sodas and packaged juice are loaded with sugar and empty calories.
·         Eating breakfast will prevent you from getting too hungry during the day and give you energy to think at school.
·         Packing fruit for a snack instead of buying chips or candy.
·         Eating more whole grains. Choose whole grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, and high-fiber cereals.
·         Choosing lean meats such as chicken and fish or vegetarian sources of protein such as beans and tofu over fatty meats.
·         Eating a serving of fruit and/or vegetable at most meals and for snacks.
·         Watching your portion sizes. Eat until you are satisfied.

Simple ways to fit exercise into your day include:
·         Good ol’ taking the stairs instead of the elevator
·         Walking/cycling instead of motorized transport
·         Joining a gym
·         Taking up a sport
·         Going for a walk with a friend

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