Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Omega 3 to Burn Fat from the Diet Solution Program

Omega 3's are an essential fatty acid within your body. Unfortunately, this fatty acid is not created naturally by your body, and is only obtainable through the things that we eat. Fish is the primary supplier of Omega 3's in the human diet. Few other foods have it in the same amount or form.

Over the last couple hundred of years, the variety of human food available to the masses has increased dramatically. With this, people are eating less and less fish every year. Various tests confirm that the majority of people do not get an adequate supply. Scientists have noticed a dramatic increase in diseases related to the lack of Omega 3's in the body.
A study performed by the University College of Cork and another by the University of Navarra indicated that Omega 3 fish oil supplements can be extremely effective in aiding weight loss by lowering appetite. Since 3 Omega benefits are plentiful, this is just another positive effect.

200 participants were used in the Omega 3 weight loss study. These participants were classified as overweight or obese. Each participant had to adhere to a strict program of diet and exercise. Each patient was either given a low or a high dose of Omega 3. At the end of the study, it was shown that the patients who received the high dose of Omega 3 acids had a lowered appetite and did not feel as hungry between meals.

Anchovies, Black Cod, Cabbage, Canola Oil, Cauliflower, Cloves, Flax seeds & Flaxseed Oil, Halibut, Herring (Both Atlantic and Pacific), Mackerel (Especially Atlantic), Mustard Seeds, Oregano, Oysters (Especially from the Pacific), Pumpkin Seeds (Also known as Pepitas), Salmon (Especially Farm Raised), Sardines, Scallops, Soybeans & Soybean Oil, Tofu, Trout (Especially Lake Trout), Walnuts & Walnut Oil.

Omega 3 is also said to prevent cancer, help arthiritis patients, help people in depression and help with a myriad of health conditions. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

So Stay Easy, and enough Omega 3's.

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